Social media needs to be planned. You need to identify your audience - who do you want to reach in terms of geographical location and demographic?
Identify which social media platforms are most relevant. Don't feel that you need to be on every platform just because. It's far more productive to have one or two engaging social media accounts than multiple pages with little or no engagement.
Social media is an essential part of any marketing mix and content strategy. Many people are time poor and feel that pushing out the same content across all the various platforms once again, ticks a box. Different platforms require different content and a different tone of voice. Don't fall into the 'one box fits all' trap. Plan your content carefully for the different social media platforms that are relevant for your business.
When creating content, remember it's not just about sending out lots of sales messages to potential customers. It's a well-known fact that people buy people and that a word of mouth recommendation is the strongest form of advertising. Social media is an amazing platform for engaging with customers and potential customers and is a great way for people to get to know you and your business.
Testimonials should make up a strong part of your content marketing strategy. Encourage your customers to leave reviews on Facebook or Google. If relevant, sites such as Trustpilot and Trip Advisor make great content generation tools. Create graphics using quotes and testimonials from your happy clients. Tag them in posts and ask them to share their own experience through your social media channels.