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Phone: 07817 532444
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Bringing your business to life in words

About Us

Based on the South coast, Just Social Media offer a full editorial, copywriting, social media management and digital marketing service for businesses on a local, national and international scale. We create, research and deliver content through multiple channels, engage with followers and mix in appropriate call to action/sales messages.

Just Social Media offer advice and support to businesses advising on their digital marketing strategy, building and implementing campaigns to grow their social media presence.

Typical clients include:

  • Business Owners
  • Corporate Marketing Departments
  • Sole Traders
  • Web Design and Graphic Design Agencies
  • Charities

The Just Social Media management team originates from a publishing background. Combined we have over 40 years experience in publishing marketing leading magazines both in print and online. This experience is crucial to delivering a strong social media campaign as for us, content is key.

We specialise in getting to know your business through understanding your customers,  researching and producing great content for our customers across multiple channels.

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