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Bringing your business to life in words

Social Media is here to stay - hate it or love it. Embrace it or ignore it - If you want to reach new customers, social media is considered by marketers across the globe to be a key part of the marketing mix.


So why is it so important? 

Social media allows businesses to create relationships with their customers - a new phenomenon in marketing and one that creates a viral awareness. They say that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. Good engagement with customers through social media is perfect ‘word of mouth’ promotion.

Did you know...

There are close to 7.2 billion people on the planet, of which, just over 3 billion are active internet users. Nearly 2.1 billion are active on social media and 3.65 billion people are now accesses the internet via smartphones and tablets.

In the last quarter of 2014 alone, the top five social media sites were responsible for driving 31.24% of all traffic to websites.  An increase of over 22% from the same period the previous year. Facebook was responsible for over 24% of this traffic alone.

Social media allows businesses to increase their brand awareness and reach to potential customers and suppliers with at a fraction of the cost of more traditional advertising, whilst instantly sending people directly to your website or social media page.

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